The Farmer’s Market and Salsa!


I had never been to a Farmer’s Market before last week! I really thought they were only in California, since I read about people going to them in pop culture magazines. My daughter told me she goes to hers in another state, and I got curious and started checking. I found some local ones, and the one I’ve gone to twice now is only five miles from my house! It’s held at a nice Botanical Center in the parking lot and pavilion.

I thought it would be nice to take some of my kitcheny crafts and sit and talk to people about this website. I fell in love with the open market ambiance and the friendly people in their booths and those walking, looking and buying. It was very tempting having beautiful fresh produce being sold by the farmers AND seeing the jewelry stands – I have a thing for ankle bracelets!

My granddaughter is always my little helper, and it was fun to see her playing with other kids there, watching pollywogs and frogs, getting her face painted, and making friends with the family of farmer boys, who at first wanted NOTHING to do with a girl! She always gets her way! My daughter visited with her boyfriend, who talked her into getting FULL face painting!

The first week I took home some delicious crookneck and zucchini, plus some wonderful tomatoes. I LOVE fresh tomatoes cut up with SUGAR on them! I think I got that from my maternal grandpa!

The second week my booth was in between two farmers – both were selling tomatoes and many kinds of peppers. As I sat, my mind started putting together a recipe for salsa. The cute boys at one side of me sold me some interesting peppers, and I bought tomatoes, onions and some different peppers from the guys on the other side.

It was very fun chopping up all the pretty colors, and being helped by my little helper! She even used a small knife, and helped cut each kind of vegetable. Pretty good job for a 4-year-old!

I had some of the salsa last night after it was done – and thought it turned out pretty well. My hubby was the REAL test – he eats salsa with his scrambled eggs in a tortilla. This “Farmer’s Market Salsa” passed his test! So please feel free to try the recipe I have in gluten-free recipes, and to add your own selection of different peppers if you’d like! Enjoy!

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Comments on The Farmer’s Market and Salsa!

August 31, 2008

topsurf @ 6:06 am #

What a great site you have here, I have a friend who is gluten free also so I will share this with her as well. Thanks! 🙂

Claus @ 6:10 am #

Dear Larraine,
I am so much proud of you!!!
You are so wonderful creative and all you makes is beautiful.
Please be happy and healthy my friend!


Aimee @ 6:10 am #

Great site!! Love the face painting 🙂

September 3, 2008

Kayli @ 8:58 am #

oh my gosh! that salsa is so yummy!! and talk about that HOT tiger… and that cute boy next to her… OW!!! i have not tried one recipe on here that i haven’t liked. good job!