

A fun alternative to pasta is Spaghetti Squash. It is a winter squash, so is available about September. If you’ve never tried it – it’s really delicious, and a fun way to give your family a spaghetti dinner! The squash is hard to cut – be careful of your knife! I cut mine into four […]

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Since I recently made peach jam, I was very hungry for something to eat with it. I’ve made my family very happy tonight with this batch of warm biscuits! Getting used to wheat free flours is a TRICK! But if you’re a little daring, and can handle adding a little flour, then a little buttermilk, […]

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If you’ve never made jam, now is the time to try it! You can find wonderful fruit at fruit stands, farmers markets and even your grocery store. I had about 20 peaches. To make jam I also needed canning jars (or jelly jars), lemon juice (I use the kind in the bottle), pectin and LOTS […]

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Today my husband and I made our dinner together. He GRILLS; I cook. He was doing chicken, so I made him a marinade of balsamic vinaigrette, lemon juice, creamy honey and crushed red pepper. We had some Anaheim peppers and put them on the grill also. I found a crookneck and a zucchini squash, which […]

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These cookies have been a hit at birthday parties, preschool and family gatherings! We started making them “mini,” since we were sending them to places with my granddaughter who is gluten intolerant. These are great to give to a teacher to store in a freezer so your child will have a goody on special days. […]

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My family loves recipes made with salsa, especially since I made my own Farmer’s Market Salsa. This meatloaf combines ground beef and sausage, and is full of great spicy flavor! If you are tired of ordinary meatloaf you will be pleasantly surprised by this recipe! Spicy Salsa Meatloaf can be found in my Gluten-Free Recipes.

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